Admission Criteria:
• Pupils will be aged between 5 and 18 years at Manor House School
• All pupils will have a statement of special educational needs or an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)
• The EHCP will specify that the pupil exhibits social, emotional and/or mental health needs
• Pupils may have specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia.
• Pupils may have ASD or SEMH needs.
Admissions Process:
All pupils admitted to Manor House will have been initially referred by their Local Authority (LA). If, after reviewing the information provided, the school believes that the pupil meets the admission criteria, arrangements will be made with the LA for the parents/carers and pupil to visit the school. The visit will include a tour of the school, introduction to key staff and a meeting at which the school policies and curriculum are discussed. Visitors will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have. If, following these visits, all parties are agreed that the pupil’s needs can be met at the school and that the pupil and parent/carers are committed to the placement, arrangements will be made for admission.
Pupil Numbers:
Manor House School provides places for up to 71 girls and boys aged 5 to 18.
Classes will have no more than Seven pupils except where planned otherwise, for example, in P.E. where a whole year group may be taught together.
The school also offers provision for day pupils from the local regions and neighbouring authorities.
If you’d like to make a referral or you simply want to know more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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